Thursday, November 10, 2005

A Jumbled Blur or Something More

When I fist saw this picture, I didn't remember taking it and I thought it was a mistake of a photo. After looking closely at it I noticed that there are what looks like five people stood at the bottom.

Ok. So it is not the best photo in the world and to other people it may look like a jumbled blur
but to me I now like it because of the way I can see something that I didn't take a picture of (does that make any sense?).

Oh and by the way, I think the picture was supposed to be a tree in the rain through a window but the flash went off.

Aunt, flower and trees

I took this photo of my Aunt on Tuesday 7th November 2005

A flower. Picture taken 7th November 2005

A tree that is in my Grandad's garden. Picture taken 7th November 2005

Another tree in my Grandad's garden. Picture taken 7th November 2005